Monday, February 14, 2011

30 for 30 Update

So I think I owe any of the 30 for 30 peeps that have looked at my blog to see what iv been doing with my items an apology =[ I honestly thought id be able to handle it but as we can see from the non existing posts I couldnt *tear* Starting a day late and then not having a car since hubby had mine...Not to mention I just got back to Germany 2 weeks ago and im still trying to adjust and hubby being deployed, iv been staying home. But I will say the days I do get out of the house, I try and put something together from the 30 items I had picked out just havent gotten any pix of them yet...I really need to find a friend that would be willing to take pictures of my outfits lol...Id have my oldest do it but he is only 2 so you'll only get my head or feet lol. So thats why I havent posted any of my outfits for the 30 for 30. Its safe to say I wont be doing it this season but I really do want to do one. Hopefully by then I'll be getting out of the house more lol and find a friend that will be willing to take my pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog today....I see you havent posted in a while, so I hope you come back to it. It's very cute.
    -The Glamorous Army Wife
